Sunday, April 27, 2008

Skumlove @ The Roxy, April 26th, 2008

Last night was pretty dang cool man! Skumlove played at The Roxy with Heroes of the F.E.D.E.R.A.T.I.O.N., Operation Downfall, Otto's Daughter, and one other band that we missed. Angel and I got there for Operation Downfall - great band! They really had their shit down. Then, Heroes went on stage, and boy - what a stage presence D has! He was one big ball of energy, and very entertaining!

Now it was Skumlove's turn to hit the stage, which is what I had been waiting for. It's awesome to see a band like that playing at The Roxy. The songs were great! I screamed along to the ones that I knew, participated it holding up countless crowd surfers - the very last one being Skum, the frontman himself!

In-between Skumlove and the last band to hit the stage for the night, Otto's Daughter, Skum had invited us backstage to kick it with the band and their friends. That was really awesome of him. That was a real treat. I met D'ablo - who was the former guitarist of Skumlove, and also Skumlove's staple photographer, Devilman. There were other people there too that I didn't know, but all totally cool. It was awesome to go backstage where so many greats have been.

After having a beer, we went back out to check out Otto's Daughter. They were awesome too, and put on a great show! We hung out for a little bit after that and headed home. All in all it was a great to see some local Hollywood bands play; a very spectacular night!! My thanks goes out to Skumlove for all of their hospitality!!

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