Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Good Day / Bad Day

Today is one of the bad ones. I'm frustrated with my work (school-work... my actual job is dandy). Normally I'm all for learning something new, but I'm in one hell of a pissfire today. I suppose it's just a combination of exhaustion, stubbornness, and frustration. I feel like I'm in a bubble that I want out of, and the only way to do it, is to do the work that I'm frustrated with and not passionate about anymore. I feel lost - there are so many things to know, that I know halfway or don't know at all, and I have to figure them out on my own. I'm not the brightest math person, or even programmer for that matter, but I DO like a challenge. I'm just sick of the challenges right now and there's one around every corner. I'm dreaming about ordinary differential equation solvers and different software architectural patterns right now, and I don't like it!!!!

I just want to be a crazy heavy metal chick who can actually hang out when invited, and bake lovely little pastries for people. That's it. Hopefully in a few short months I'll be able to do just that. I can't wait to just have a full-time job.

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